Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween was so much fun. Brianna was a beautiful witch, Matthew was an army man, Tim and I were just We hit the streets early as Brian was going to pick up Matt at 5:30. It was windy and raining, but that wasn't going to stop the kids from their candy! They had decorated pillow cases and in about 45 minutes they were already 1/3 full. They had so much fun, but once Matt left with Brian, it was kind of sad to see Bri going door-to-door by herself. She didn't seem to mind though. Tim and I stood at the bottom of the driveways and watched her. Tim was his usual, funny, self-proclaimed funny f*#@$% scaring the kids as they walked by and making rude comments to the older ones and adults. rofl. It's a little sad to think that pretty soon Bri will be too old to Trick or Treat.

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