Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23, 2009

Woke up at 3:15 am....pain, pain, pain. Could barely move let alone get out of bed. Of course Raven was laying on my legs (I guess trying to make me feel better as she usually does). Couldn't find my percs....shit have to go downstairs to Tim's room to get some. Ughhhh......stairs are a killer.

Tim's taking tonight off....scouting out spots to hunt tomorrow. Not sure what I'm going to do today. Just so down, discrouaged, frustrated. Sick of my life, sick of being sick, sick of being in pain, sick of missing out on so much of my kids lives, sick of living out of a backpack, going back and forth between my home and Tim's, sick of not feeling like I belong anywhere anymore, and sick of having my family so sad about it.

Have to go to UHC to pick up scripts......dreading getting in the car and the trip to Burlington....I hate that drive! Going to talk with doc about upping my Celexa. Maybe that will help with the constant sadness?

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