Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday, October 29: FAHC

Doctors again today. Pre-op physical, MRSA swab, bloodwork. Still cleared for surgery. Hopefully it stays that way. Joe's been trying to call the whole time I was at my appointment. I'm so pissed at him (and Buddy). I guess they think that I have all this "free" time that I have nothing better to do than play taxi and run all over. They just don't "get-it". They don't understand the pain, the sickness, the exhaustion.

Buddy is cleared to go back to school. He was just "bound-up". Joe let him take his car back to school (he never did cancel the insurance as he told me he did). I think Joe's motive was that he had bowling and didn't want to miss it to take Buddy back to school. Bud's still mad at me for not bringing him my charger to use for his cell phone so he could text his friends all day while he was at the hospital. He doesn't understand that it would have been an extra hour of driving for me to go that way to drop it off. Oh well, it's not the first nor will it be the last time he's been mad at me.

Bri called and we talked for a little while. Joe got on the phone and we had it out about how HE keeps bailing Buddy out financially and about how broke HE is and I basically don't do anything nor am I ever there for the kids. I let him have it. He handed the phone back to Bri and told her "to get off the phone, NOW!"

I was sound wound up I couldn't even sleep half the night.

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