Friday, October 30, 2009

Wednesday, October 28: missed appointment

There is no way I'm going to make it to my appointment today! I could barely get out of bed, let alone drive another 2 hours. I also want to be able to spend time with Matthew today before Brian picks him up and also see my dad. I miss my dad so much, haven't seen him in almost a week :-(

I finished putting plastic on the windows, did laundry and picked up Matt's toys he had scattered all around the house. I went over to see mom and play with Matt. Buddy texted me and wants me to let him know if I'm coming back to Newport tonight because he wants to come spend the night with me. Doctor Toll is still running tests and wants Buddy to stay home another day until the results come back. I didn't tell Buddy that I wasn't going to go to my appointment today because he may have felt bad that I missed my appointment because picking him up last night took so much out of me.

Brian picked up Matt and then mom and I went to Rite Aid to look for a costume for Bri. We had a blast....I put on a scary mask and scared her when she came around the corner. There were people there in the aisle and they started cracking up. Mom thought it was funny too! When we got back to the house, I saw dad was sitting at mom's computer in the kitchen. I put the mask on and snuck up to the window and tried to scare him. It didn't work, he saw my car pull in the driveway and knew it was me!

I got home and couldn't sleep....too sore. I stayed up and crocheted and watch a movie.

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